Makola African Market Imports
- Dansoman, Dansoman Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana
Adom Zomi 500ml
Adom Zomi is a premium-quality cooking oil known for its purity and health benefits. It is rich in essential nutrients and ideal for various culinary uses.
$5.18Adom Zomi 500ml
$5.18 -
Ballerina Herbal Tea
Ballerina Herbal Tea is a natural blend of herbs designed to promote digestion and weight management, with a refreshing taste.
$5.18Ballerina Herbal Tea
$5.18 -
Delta Parboiled Rice
Delta parboiled rice is a type of rice that undergoes a special parboiling process, which involves partially boiling the rice in its husk before milling. This process helps retain nutrients and gives the rice a firmer texture and golden color.
$28.60Delta Parboiled Rice
$28.60 -
Home Fresh Tuo Zafi
Home Fresh Tuo Zafi is a traditional Ghanaian dish made from fermented corn dough, often served with a flavorful soup or stew.
$0.00Home Fresh Tuo Zafi
$0.00 -
Hwentia Whole
Hwentia Whole is a traditional West African spice made from the seeds of the African pea eggplant. It has a slightly bitter and nutty flavor, adding depth to dishes like soups, stews, and sauces. It’s commonly used in Ghanaian cuisine for its unique taste and aromatic qualities.
$2.58Hwentia Whole
$2.58 -
Indomie Onion Box
Indomie Onion is a flavorful instant noodle product from the popular Indomie brand. It features a delicious blend of savory noodles with a rich onion flavor, creating a satisfying and quick meal option.
$39.00Indomie Onion Box
$39.00 -
Koto Ginger/tamarind Beer
Koto Ginger/Tamarind Beer is a refreshing and flavorful beverage that combines the spicy kick of ginger with the tangy sweetness of tamarind. Perfect for any occasion, it offers a unique and invigorating taste experience.
$3.25 -
Loop Spring Water (Pack)
Loop Spring Water is a premium bottled water sourced from natural springs, offering crisp and refreshing hydration with a smooth taste.
$7.78Loop Spring Water (Pack)
$7.78 -
Nkatie Burger Pack
Nkatie Burger is a popular West African snack made from roasted peanuts or groundnuts mixed with spices and formed into small, flavorful patties. It’s a tasty and satisfying treat enjoyed by many across the region.
$13.65Nkatie Burger Pack
$13.65 -
Remie Jollof
Remie Jollof spice is a flavorful blend of spices and herbs, specially crafted to enhance the taste of Jollof rice, a popular West African dish. It adds depth and richness to your cooking, making every bite delicious and satisfying.
$0.58Remie Jollof
$0.58 -
Ruker Eggplant
Ruker Eggplant is a variety of eggplant known for its elongated shape and deep purple color. It is commonly used in various culinary dishes for its mild flavor and tender texture.
$6.48Ruker Eggplant
$6.48 -
Tartina Spread
Tartina Spread is a delicious and versatile spread made from high-quality ingredients like nuts, seeds, and natural flavors. It’s perfect for spreading on toast, crackers, or using as a dip for fruits and veggies.
$11.68Tartina Spread