- Kwaw link, Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana
Adom Zomi 500ml
Adom Zomi is a premium-quality cooking oil known for its purity and health benefits. It is rich in essential nutrients and ideal for various culinary uses.
$5.18Adom Zomi 500ml
$5.18 -
Akono Ginger Candy
Akono Ginger Candy is a sweet and spicy treat made from real ginger, offering a delightful blend of sugary sweetness and zesty ginger flavor.
$4.55Akono Ginger Candy
$4.55 -
Ballerina Herbal Tea
Ballerina Herbal Tea is a natural blend of herbs designed to promote digestion and weight management, with a refreshing taste.
$5.18Ballerina Herbal Tea
$5.18 -
CDC Palm Oil
CDC Palm Oil is a high-quality, versatile cooking oil extracted from the fruit of palm trees. It is commonly used in African and Southeast Asian cuisines, known for its rich flavor and high smoke point, making it ideal for frying, baking, and sautéing.
$10.38CDC Palm Oil
$10.38 -
Ducros Curry
Ducros Curry is a popular spice blend that adds rich and aromatic flavors to dishes. It typically includes a mix of spices like turmeric, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, and pepper, offering a balanced and versatile seasoning for various cuisines.
$2.58Ducros Curry
$2.58 -
Effie’s Crown Top-Pull Off
Effie’s Crown Top-Pull Off pastry is a delicious, flaky pastry known for its crown-like appearance and easy-to-pull-off top. It’s perfect for breakfast or as a snack any time of the day.
$10.38Effie’s Crown Top-Pull Off
$10.38 -
Effie’s Sweet White Bread Sliced
Effie’s Sweet White Bread Sliced pastry is a delightful, soft, and sweet bread that’s perfect for sandwiches or toast. Its light texture and subtle sweetness make it a favorite for breakfast or snacks.
$4.87 -
Labidjanise Cream
Labidjanise Cream is a skincare product known for its hydrating and soothing properties. It is formulated to moisturize the skin deeply, leaving it soft and supple.
$10.38Labidjanise Cream
$10.38 -
Lady Khebab Powder
Food spice, great for seasoning grilled meats for a nice spicy taste. Product of Ghana.
$7.78Lady Khebab Powder
$7.78 -
Loop Sping Water
Loop Spring Water is a premium bottled water sourced from natural springs, offering crisp and refreshing hydration with a smooth taste.
$1.23Loop Sping Water
$1.23 -
Maesri Shrimp Powder
Maesri Shrimp Powder is a finely ground, flavorful seasoning made from high-quality shrimp, perfect for enhancing the taste of soups, sauces, and various dishes. It adds a rich umami flavor and a hint of seafood aroma to your culinary creations.
$14.28Maesri Shrimp Powder